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[评测] 意想不到原来老外对红米4A是这样的评价,翻译老外红米4A评测!

2016-12-13 17:11:42 4076 评论(3)

文章原标题为Xiaomi Redmi 4A Unboxing, Hands On, and First Impressions,本文来自国外,小哥翻译,如有错误,你特么来打我呀!

I was able to get my hands on the Xiaomi Redmi 4A, the lowest end Redmi in the new Redmi 4 line of devices. It MSRPs for around $50 less than the Redmi 4 Prime (review here) giving it a price of $70, which is quite incredible.

在笔者所接触过的所有手机中,红米4无疑是最低端的一款,甚至比红米4 Prime(其实就是红米4)都要低50美元。官方给出的红米4指导价格为70刀,这是前无古人后无来者的价格屠夫啊!


I want you to think of the first $70 phone that comes into your mind. Mine was the Bluboo XFire 2, and that’s actually quite a poor example as it has a decent metal build, but it’s still sufficient enough to illustrate my point. Let’s take a look at the spec sheet, it has the MTK6580 processor, terribly slow for anyone who is vaguely tech literate, 1GB of RAM and an 8MP camera.

在你脑海中想想一下70刀的手机到底是怎样的?我能想到的是Bluboo XFire 2,这是一款价格非常便宜的全金属机身手机,我想XFire 2能代表我对70美元手机的理解了,Bluboo XFire 2采用了MTK6580 处理器,1GB RAM和800万像素后置摄像头。对于每个人来说,70美元也就这样了,不会再有任何科技上的提升。

Now let’s switch over to the Redmi 4A. We find a very respectable Snapdragon 425 processor, 2GB of RAM and a 13MP camera.

如今我们回过头开看一下主角红米4A,我们发现了70美元下令人难以想想的配置:骁龙425处理器、2GB RAM、一颗1300万像素后置摄像头。


However, its important to note that specs don’t always tell the whole story, and i’ll be putting this phone through its paces to see how it holds up. In the meantime, enjoy the unboxing, hands on, and first impressions below.


Xiaomi Redmi 4A Specifications(红米4A配置,这不用翻译了吧!)

Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 425

Display 5.0″ 1280×720 px, IPS LCD


Storage 16GB

Operating System Android 6.0 with MIUI8

Cameras 13MP + 5MP Camera

Battery 3020mAh

Physical Properties 131g, 139.5 x 70.4 x 8.5 mm

Big thanks to Gearbest for providing this review unit. I’m currently testing the Xiaomi Redmi 4A on Fido in Toronto.


Xiaomi Redmi 4A Unboxing



The box is a slight departure from other Redmi devices, instead of the regular cover, we have an embossed (or whatever the opposite is of embossing) “4A” on the top and I’ve tried my hardest to capture that in photos.



Opening up the box we find the phone without a plastic cover on it (I made the mistake of choosing pink) and the normally sparse accessories, a plug, charger, and manual. Putting that aside and moving on to the pink Redmi 4A itself.


Xiaomi Redmi 4A Hands On



I initially thought the Redmi 4A was metal when I picked it up. However, the back of the phone wasn’t cold and tapping on it yielded a plastic response (sound and feel). However, Xiaomi did a great job painting the back to make it look like metal and feel vaguely like one as well. The front impressed me less.



The bezels around the screen are moderately large, large enough to immediately identify it as a “not flagship”. That being said, the phone is still a very respectable 5” size, imperceptibly larger than the Redmi 3. Turning the phone on and there is an additional black bar around the screen that we see on every other Redmi device. Combine this black bar with the already large bezels and we have quite a bit of bezel in a phone of 2016.

红米4A的屏幕边框比较窄,以至于这样的窄边框会被大众误认为是“次旗舰”(老外真没见过世面,这样的边框就是次旗舰了?)。这意味着4A突破了以往的4.7寸(红米2A 4.7寸),达到了史无前例的5寸屏,和前辈红米3一样大小。其实我们仔细看一下,红米4A还是继承了红米系列的小黑边,不过加上之前的屏幕边框,红米4A仍是2016年低端机中最好的窄边框手机!


After turning on the phone I quickly set it up and played with it for a few minutes. Swiping between home screens was quite zippy and had me very impressed. If performance continues this way, this phone currently performs at the Redmi 3 level, which while by no means a flagship, was respectable for the price.



I’ll be putting this phone through more tests and use in the time to come, but the Redmi 4A has left a very decent first impression on me. Ignoring the price, the phone is decent, taking the price into account, the phone’s specs are way above what $70 would usually get you.



I have high hopes for the user experience as there has not been a single Xiaomi phone that has let me down yet and if the Redmi 4A continues that unbroken tradition, the Redmi 4A will be a steal of a deal. While it features the weaker Snapdragon 425, it should be sufficient enough for light use.


Xiaomi Redmi 4A First Impressions



The Xiaomi Redmi 4A isn’t aimed at midrange users, but instead is targeting the ultra budget segment. The new Snapdragon 425 should be more than enough to match the previous generation Redmi 3 devices utilizing the Snapdragon 430, and hopefully will be more power efficient to deliver great battery life with an “average” sized battery. You can buy the Xiaomi Redmi 4A here.


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